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Is Diabetes Causing Hair Loss?

Sometimes we don’t understand the root cause of a problem such as hair loss, which can result in confusion or worry. Diabetes is a surprisingly common cause when it comes to hair falling out. Did you know that almost 10% of the population suffer from the condition? Most cases go undiagnosed, and many people do not realize that hair loss is a symptom.

How diabetes may be affecting your hair loss

One of the effects of diabetes is your body not producing the insulin it needs, and sugar starts to build up in your blood, causing damage to many organs including the kidneys and even the eyes.
It can also affect hair growth, and its normal cycle. On a regular, healthy rate, your hairs should grow at a rate of 1 to 2 cm per month. But when diabetes interrupts this normal process, you can begin to lose your hair, and other body and facial hair as well.

What other illnesses can cause hair loss?

Those who suffer from diabetes may also be ill with a condition called alopecia areata. This occurs when your immune system starts to attack the follicles of your hair, resulting in extreme hair loss.

Many chronic illnesses also require medicines which may affect regular hair growth, so you should speak with your physician if you feel like you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.

Thyroid illnesses may affect hair rate

Thyroid diseases are also another common illness where you may suffer hair loss. You can help your hair to regain its normal growth rate by watching your diet and trying to control blood sugar and sugar intake. Having an overall healthier mindset when it comes to caring for your hair will help you in getting your locks luscious again!

Another thing you can try is wearing wigs or hair extensions during the period when you are suffering illness. Living with diabetes and other conditions can be very challenging. Be kind to yourself and practice self-care on a daily basis.

If you do suffer from alopecia, there are certain steroid medicines that are prescribed to patients to help with inflammation.

Biotin and other healing processes

Biotin can be eaten to help with the healing process. You can access it naturally in some foods like peanuts, almonds and sweet potatoes, or as a supplement which will be recommended with a detailed intake dose by your physician.

Exercise and diet as supplemental cures for hair loss

Having daily exercise is known to be very beneficial for patients suffering hair loss as it helps with blood sugar levels. It encourages them to go down and your body to regain its natural balance. In turn, this will help your hair follicles to grow normally again.
Look for other ways to deal with hair loss, such as meditation, exercise and physical care in the sauna or salon. Most of all, keep your mind healthy and informed by reading on the subject.

Healing from the Inside Out

Understanding the root of your problem is key to finding a solution and a cure. You may have to try different things before your hair starts to grow normally again. Just give it time and you could soon start to see better results and grow more healthy hair.

At Transitions of Wisconsin, we offer practical solutions to all hair loss problems. From Alopecia to Chemotherapy, hair loss is on the rise for both men and women. If you’re interested in scheduling a free consultation, contact us today!