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Hair Loss is Not Just An Adult Problem

People typically associate hair loss with older men, but statistics show that hair loss is not just and adult problem. It can also be a kid problem. For children and adolescents it’s more likely to be a side effect or a symptom of an illness. Three common causes of hair loss in kids and teens are telogen effluvium, trichotillomania, and ringworm.

Children who have suffered from a serious illness, experienced rapid weight loss, are recovering from surgery, or are going through emotional stress are susceptible to telogen effluvium. This condition tends to confuse and startle parents because the hair loss takes place weeks or months after the event. The hair loss can be severe and noticeable because it’s often lost in clumps. Their hair will eventually continue to grow on its own. Experts believe that the event temporarily pauses the hair growth phase.

Psychologists believe that trichotillomania is an obsessive-compulsive disorder that tends to be found in children and teens. Sadly, the child experiences an uncontrollable desire to pull out its own hair. Somehow the hair pulling comforts them. The disorder is caused by emotional stress and unfortunately results in noticeable hair loss.

Most healthy children enjoy getting dirty; playing with the family pet, and personal hygiene can often take a back seat if they have their way. Unfortunately, these habits can breed a fungus that is affectionately known as ringworm of the scalp. Despite the name a worm does not cause ringworm. Kids are prone to the fungus because they tend to share hats, combs, and roll around with animals, which are all ways ringworm can be spread. The area of the scalp that becomes infected will cause a child’s hair to fall out.

All people of all ages can suffer from hair loss. Get answers to your questions. For over 50 years, Transitions of Wisconsin has offered all proven hair restoration procedures, including medical, non-medical, and scalp therapy (hair loss prevention and treatment programs). If you have any questions or are simply looking for information regarding hair restoration, please contact us.