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Practical Ways to get Rid of Those Pesky Dandruff Flakes

Dandruff can be an irritating and humiliating issue. A dry scalp can prompt your scalp to become flakey making it appear to be dirty. Luckily, there are practical ways you can battle the issue.

Most specialists concur that the reason for dandruff is a yeast organism called Pityrosporum ovale, or P. ovale. Everybody has this yeast among his or her scalp, yet too much of it prompts dandruff. An extremely oily scalp encourages these small microorganisms and permits the growth to become more severe.

Different causes, for example, dry scalp conditions, hormonal changes and poor eating habits, can increase flakiness. Practical changes to your way of life can help with every one of these causes. Dandruff can’t be cured, yet it can be controlled. Being proactive towards scalp issues will help create a healthier environment for normal hair growth.

Your diet can bigly affect the wellbeing of your skin. Consuming more sugar, salt and fat can trigger hormone changes, dry out your scalp and cause scalp irritation. Sugar likewise nourishes yeast, which cause some dandruff cases. Eating more all-natural organic foods over processed foods can help. Foods high in Omega-3 fats, for example, avocados, salmon and nuts bolster good skin and may reduce some irritation.

A diet low in zinc is a noteworthy reason for dandruff. Zinc controls the oils in your skin, which can control dandruff by restricting the reproducing of P. ovale. Consuming foods like almonds and grains, which are high in zinc and foods containing vitamin B will increase your zinc absorption and promote healthy skin and hair. Staying hydrated is also beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. Becoming dehydrated also dries out your scalp.

Working out can also enhance the state of your scalp and hair. When you exercise your blood flows and increases circulation to your scalp. Automatically sending more oxygen and supplements to your scalp to help decrease dryness. Showering after working out is essential. Allowing too much sweat or oil to build up on your scalp can result in more flakes. If you’re suffering from dandruff keep in mind some of these practical ways to reduce flakes, but if the problem persists regardless of your diet or hygiene you may need to seek out a professional for help.

Did you know that scalp irritation could cause hair loss? If you’re struggling with thinning hair or hair loss Transitions of Wisconsin has over 50 years experience in assisting men and women with all types of hair loss conditions. If you’re interested in scheduling a free consultation, contact us today!