Female Pattern Baldness
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Female Pattern Baldness: Causes and Diagnosis

Androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as female pattern baldness, is hair loss that affects women. While its effects are similar to those in male pattern baldness, women often lose their hair in different patterns than men.

As a woman ages, the likelihood that hair loss will occur increases. In fact, up to 66 percent of women experience some level of hair loss after they go through menopause. Additionally, less than 50 percent of women will make it past the age of 65 with their head full of hair.

Why Does Female Pattern Baldness Occur?

This condition is hereditary. While it’s most commonly seen after menopause, it can actually begin at any point in a woman’s life. While the actual cause has not been determined, most experts believe it has something to do with hormone fluctuations.

If a woman sees that she is starting to lose her hair, she should make an appointment with her doctor and a hair loss specialist. Both a doctor and a hair loss specialist can determine if she is experiencing female pattern baldness or another type of hair loss. Keep in mind that the sooner treatment is received, the more likely it is that the hair loss can be stopped.

The Look of Female Pattern Baldness

If a woman is experiencing this condition, then the growing phase of their hair is slowing down. It will also take longer for new hair to start growing. The hair follicles can shrink, which results in hair that grows thinner and finer than before.

It is normal for a woman to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day; however, if she is suffering from female pattern baldness, then she will likely lose many more than this amount.

When a woman begins losing hair, unlike men who typically lose it from the front of the head to the back, she will lose hair all over her head. The hair at the temples may also begin to recede. While a woman is less likely to go bald than a man, she will have significant thinning all over.

Diagnosis of Female Pattern Baldness

If a woman believes she is suffering from female pattern baldness, the best course of action is for her to get an official diagnosis. There are several treatment options available to help improve the appearance of hair, restore lost hair and prevent additional hair loss.

If female pattern baldness has occurred, it is best to seek the care of professionals. At Transitions of Wisconsin, there are a myriad of treatment options, including wigs and laser treatments. If you’re interested in scheduling a free consultation, contact us today!

Photo Credit: gwtsr74 Via Pixabay
